Become a NextUp Partner

NextUp partners support our mission of Advancing All Women in Business – and get access to a host of benefits. Experience immediate return on your investment through the value of these partnership benefits.

    • Memberships: Your partnership includes NextUp memberships for employees, with access to leadership development and DEI resources.
    • Partner Network: Over half of our 120+ partners are members of the Fortune or Global 500. Connect your organization – and your team – with the major players in your industry.
    • Access to DEI and Leadership Development Programs: Your NextUp partnership provides workshops and resources to support your internal DEI and leadership development efforts.
    • Best Practices: Meet the needs of all of your employees and create a more equitable workplace. Your NextUp partnership gives you access to corporate best practices for gender parity, leadership development, DEI, and allyship.

Fill out the form and a member of our Partnership team will reach out to discuss how a NextUp partnership could benefit your organization.

Some of Our Partners...

Real Impact on Your KPIs

Partnership with NextUp helps organizations create opportunities for the female talent pipeline. Learn how P&G has achieved its strategic initiatives through its partnership with NextUp.


P&G logo
Learning & Development

DEI and Leadership Development workshops and training for everyone on your team.

Powerful Networking

Network and learn from leaders in your industry at NextUp events.

Regional Support

There's a local community for every employee who becomes a NextUp member for support and development.

Inspiring Events

Live and virtual events and conferences offered throughout the year to keep your team connected and inspired.

Connect with us today

There’s never been a better time to become a NextUp partner. Fill out the form and a member of our Partnership team will reach out to discuss corporate solutions that will help meet your organization’s needs.

Inclusive Networking

Elevating today's leaders and creating tomorrow's

Become a Member

Helping companies reach their DEI&B goals

Become a Partner