
It is the policy of NextUp to strictly comply with all applicable antitrust laws. Some of the members of NextUp work for competing companies. It is essential that competitors avoid any discussions that could violate antitrust laws. Examples of topics that cannot be discussed by competitors are: Prices or other terms of sale; market shares; labor, production or raw material costs; production levels or curtailing production; customer allocation; market allocation; boycotts of certain customers or suppliers; and “punishing” certain competitors for marketplace activities, such as offering lower prices or stealing customers. In addition, there may be other industry-specific prohibited topics. Your company’s lawyers can provide more information. Do not allow yourself to be used as a conduit for prohibited discussions between competitors. Prohibited discussions should not take place anywhere — in meetings, social events, hallways, restrooms or elsewhere. If a competitor initiates a discussion of a prohibited topic, terminate the conversation immediately and blame “the lawyers” if necessary. If you are unsure about a particular conversation, terminate it and seek clarification from your company’s lawyers.

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